How Do You Get Rid of Lower Back Pain?

Would it surprise you to know that 4/5 of Americans have the inconvenience of back pain and it has a lot to do with the lifestyle? The problem begins with us not being allowed to sit. Take a look at any other mammal’s back while they are standing. The way their spine curves gently is as graceful as San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. I am going to start by explaining the dumb things we humans do to our backs. Then I will shift over to the question how do you get rid of the lower back pain.

The Major Things That Cause Us Back Pain

The engineering of our skeleton still thinks we are hunter-gatherers roaming the plains barefoot and getting stacks of exercise. So what do we do instead? We sleep in over-soft beds, get up with a back twinge, and put on shoes that upset our posture. After breakfast, we take a bumpy bus or subway ride that makes it worse.

When we get to work, we collapse into the office chair compressing the lower vertebrae. “Ouch,” says back. “Shut up,” says the owner, “we have work to do, and no I am too busy to go to the gym today.” If that sounds like you, then you probably have back pain. No that’s a pity because we are depriving ourselves of endorphins, nature’s happy pills.

I Already Got It – How Do You Get Rid of Lower Back Pain?

The solution lies in gentle exercising and getting shoes and beds that are more ergonomic. Then, we are going to mold ourselves a more ergonomic lifestyle. This is not rocket science or expensive treatment. We are going to rearrange our lifestyle so it suits our bodies, not the other way around.

The catch is back pain and exercise do not go well together. After we roll out of bed and put feet on the ground, our back is already complaining. Things are a little better after a warm shower. But exercising to fix back pain? You must be kidding! Steady on. I am talking about passive stretching exercises.

So How Do You Get Rid of Lower Back Pain with Stretching

Stretching returns our muscles to their correct length, so they are in harmony with our ligaments and bones. Once we have everything flowing nicely, our body starts releasing endorphins because we are feeling jolly. Endorphins are nature’s pain suppressors. As the discomfort becomes less, we can do more and we literally go from strength to strength.

How You May Benefit from a Stretching Practitioner

That Golden Gate Bridge has spanned the water since 1933 because the towers, cables, and bridge are in perfect alignment. A blow to one is a blow to all, and that applies to our bodies too. To get rid of back pain we must stretch all the muscles in our body. This solves the eternal question how do you get rid of the lower back pain.

However, back pain makes it kinda hard to lay on our back and draw our knees up to our chest. Or stretch our arms straight ahead, for that matter. A stretching practitioner does that for us while we relax. It really makes sense, doesn’t it, when we think of it that way. Laying back and getting better.

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Stretch Affect

3560 Dunhill St. Suite 130
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(619) 389-3718

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